Thursday 9 October 2014

Next minutes


The next meeting was held on 9th October 2014 at KFC.

Present in attendance:
Chairperson      -    Mr. Keegan Lima.
Secretary           -    Ms. Queency Rodrigues.
members           -    Ms. Neha Patil.
                          -    Mr. Saieesh Sakhardande.
                          -    Mr. Rudresh Virnodkar.

List of members present in person.

Sr. no                               Items                                                                              Details
     1.           Notice of the meeting                          With the consent of the members the notice was
                                                                                 taken as read.

     2.            Chairperson Speech                             The Chairperson Welcomed the members for the
                                                                                  meeting  and he distributed the title and duration
                                                                                  presentation among the members.

     3.            Approving Minutes of                          The minutes of the previous meeting were read
                    previous meeting.                                  and confirmed as correct.

     4.            List of members.                                    The Chairperson drew the attention of the
     5.            Vote of thanks.                                      A Vote of thanks was proposed by the secretary
                                                                                    and the chairperson adjourned the meeting.
  Date                                                             Sd/-                                                   Sd/-
9/10/2014                                             Chairperson                                        Secretary
                                                         [  Keegan Lima ]                         [Queency Rodrigues] 

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